
23 June 2014

Spring Soccer

Another soccer season has come to an end.

Blake and his buddy Liam lucked out with a great team and a dedicated and knowledgable coach. The coach really makes all the difference. We're so thankful for good coaches who sacrifice so much time. The only problem was the practices were held on Friday nights and it seemed like we had other commitments almost every week.

But we made it to all of the games which was the most important thing. Those "Red Dragons" were on fire. Technically, no score was officially kept. But if it was, they would have won all but one of their games.

Blake has come a long way since his first season, where he wouldn't go near the ball and he cried through the first few games because the sun was in his eyes. In fact, he scored his very first goal this season. It was so much fun to watch his confidence grow.

We sat out and cheered in every type of weather. Freezing cold, drizzling rain and scorching heat. Of course, the boys' younger siblings were their biggest cheerleaders.

They had another eager cheerleader who actually took his very first steps at one of the games; the same day that Blake scored his first goal.


Nash made his soccer debut this season with the "Orange Tigers" as well.

He was a little less interested in going after the ball. We know now that sometimes it takes a few seasons to show much interest in the game. And the little girl who played as no. 9 was so aggressive that neither team had a chance of getting in there. It was quite amusing to watch. We gave up counting after she scored approximately ten goals each week. 

Nash might not have shown much interest on the field, but he was very interested in the after game snacks and the trophy placed in his arms during the last game.


We caught a glimpse of how busy life gets when you're juggling two soccer games every Saturday. I can't even fathom how we'll manage four. But we definitely caught the soccer spirit. The boys had a great season.

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