At two months, Crew has gained a reputation for being the easiest baby ever. I thought that our lives would slow way down with a newborn in tow, but we haven't skipped a beat. In the last two weeks alone, he has accompanied us to all of the following:
4 swim lessons
2 friends' houses
3 movies
1 waterpark
2 trips to the airport
4 parks
1 car wash
6 restaurants (only because we celebrated our anniversary, a friend's birthday, and grandparents came in town)
2 three-hour long church meetings
1 Primary activity
1 five-year-old birthday party
1 High Priests social (where we brought down the median age)
2 grocery stores
1 trip to the library
And through it all, he didn't make one peep or fuss. He falls asleep easily on his own, wakes up to eat, and is happy the remainder of the time.
He could be hanging out in his carseat or in someone's arms - it doesn't really matter to him. He's content either way.
I'm probably jinxing myself since I know that all children have their rough patches, but for now, Crew is an absolute dream.
This is about the point I started putting the other boys on a schedule, but I don't really feel the need to yet with Crew since he is so adaptable. Plus, I'm carting the other boys all over town so they can have a productive and enjoyable summer, so I couldn't put Crew on a strict schedule even if I wanted to.
My one gripe is that I was informed yesterday that he no longer looks like a newborn, just a baby.
It breaks my heart that the newborn phase is already history. But we are thoroughly enjoying his nonstop smiles.

Oh my goodness...he is positively squeezable! So adorable.
ReplyDeleteOMG! He is such a cutie! I grinned when I saw that first pic :) Glad he is an easy going baby for you!