
05 December 2008

First Haircut

Blake's hair was getting so long and out of control that I couldn't stand it anymore. It hung over his ears and over the back of his shirt. Here is the before shot:

Have you ever tried to cut a baby's hair? He held still while eating bananas and cheerios, and then he got very restless. It became pretty impossible to keep the hair even because he turned his head every time I got near. We may have to do a follow-up trim later.

The after shot: Blake's new spikey 'do! It may be a little long still.

Side view.


  1. Awww! I can't believe it was long enough to cut already. I love the spikes too!

  2. Oh, my, gosh, he is sooooo cute!! Can you believe our little boys are growing up so fast? I sure can't.
