
06 June 2008

Teach and Preach and Work as Missionaries Do

Today is my little brother's one year mark on his mission. He is serving in the South Korea Busan mission. He is becoming fluent in Korean and is teaching the gospel and English classes to the wonderful people of South Korea. We miss him but are so proud of him and his decision to go on a mission for two years. Happy one year mark, Elder Nawshie (as the Koreans pronounce it). One more year to go!

Jorden opened his mission call at our apartment.

Where in the world is Busan, South Korea?

Found it!

Ready to go...

I got to put Jorden's name tag on in the MTC because our parents were in Michigan.

Recent baptism of Su-Min Jung.


  1. Awww, I love that kid! Well, I guess he's not a kid anymore! He's such a cutie. I love the picture of the two of you in the MTC. It's the first time I've thought you guys look a ton alike. I can't believe it's been a year already! I'm so proud of him!

  2. I have never met your brother before. He looks like a really nice guy. I am so happy that he is doing so well on his mission. These are great pictures. By the way, it is SUPER humid in Michigan right now. Enjoy the dry Utah weather, I totally miss it. :-)

  3. Congrats to Jordan! I can't believe he has already been gone for one year. My Dad and Uncle served in Korea. Its wonderful how much the missionaries really grow to love those people. He has probably had so much fun and will continue to have a great mission!

  4. WOW, little Jordan Nash all grown up! I'm really happy that things are going well for him, and glad you keep me updated on you and your family's doings :)

    Miss you Nashy!

  5. What a cute little missionary! (Lindsey, even though he's your "little" brother, he is about 7 inches taller than you).

    Although we are so happy he is serving a mission, we miss him tons. How fun it will be when he comes home and can play legos with his darling little nephew!
