I didn't intentionally take a month long hiatus from posting, but life is racing by faster than I can keep up. I have so much to share about the 4th of July, summer happenings and an epic trip to Michigan, but for now, let's talk about how the boys started school smack dab in the middle of August.
Our minds and bodies were still in summer mode when August 15th rolled around. We were jet lagged and none of our suitcases were unpacked, but that first school bell rang at 8am whether we were ready or not.
Crew was heartbroken to say goodbye to his summer playmates.

Crew was heartbroken to say goodbye to his summer playmates.

But he only had to make it one week before he joined the school line up. To say he was excited for his first day of preschool would be a grand understatement. Crew has been begging to go to school since he could talk.

Nash's favorite part about first grade is that he has his very own (hand-me-down) pencil box.

Blake's favorite part about third grade is that his second grade teacher moved up a grade and he was lucky enough to land in her class again.

Crew's favorite part about preschool is well, everything. Snacks, friends, coloring, and especially cutting with scissors. It hadn't dawned on me to pull out scissors yet with child number three but he wakes up each morning talking about them.

Such a sweet boy, always finding me flowers to put in my hair.

This fab five of friends and neighbors makes quite the crowd in preschool.

Maybe now that we're back in school I will be able to get caught up on life, but I'm realizing more and more that nonstop is our new normal. So here's to another year of schedules, homework, sports and hopefully some sleep once and awhile!
All the pictures are ADORABLE! Glad Crew finally gets to go to school.