
27 August 2015

Back to School

We're back in business.
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Nash has been wondering since we registered him in March why he couldn't go to Kindergarten yet. He was ready, I was ready, and there were no tears on either end.

He made a lofty goal for his initiation into elementary school.

He stopped approximately 37 times along the way to collect what he considers "ordinary stuff." Our walks back and forth to school may take twice as long as they should, but I can't really complain when he picks out special flowers for me.

It's going to be strange to only have two children at home for part of the day. I'm not going to lie, I'm giddy with excitement when I think about how much easier running errands will be!


  1. What darling boys!!! I'm so anxious to see them and hear all about school.

  2. Such cute first day of school pictures! Both the grandmas appreciate it.

  3. Those signs! Where? How? I need details! And I can totally empathize on the giddiness of just TWO to run errands with... Bliss. Ha ha.
