We blessed Finn in church on November 2nd. Although the weather was cold and gloomy, the day could not have been brighter. We felt so grateful to be surrounded by our dearest friends and family.
And if you know me, you know I can't pass up an opportunity for a big production with lots of little details.

Finn fell asleep shortly before our guests started arriving for the celebration.

He seemed like he was in a pretty deep sleep, so I transferred him into a bucket for fun. Who doesn't love a sleeping baby in a bucket?

I had no idea he would like it so much. He slept in that bucket for hours with all of the commotion swirling around him.

He didn't seem to be stirring one bit, so I moved him next to his party display.

Not even his mauling brothers could wake him up.

The best part about hosting parties when we have family in town is my dad takes over the meal. I make the Costco trip and bring him enough food to feed an army, and he happily assumes the cooking responsibilities. That allows me to focus on my favorite part; the desserts and table display. We make a good party hosting team.

It was so much fun to have our home bursting with guests. It seemed like we just had Crew's blessing celebration and there we were all over again.

Yep, Finn stayed asleep in his bucket in the corner while conversation swirled around him. He missed his whole party.

Eventually I couldn't take being separated anymore so I scooped him up.

And reluctantly shared him.

We attempted to grab a few photos before Troy headed off to his pre-church meetings. We knew that after church the boys would peel off their Sunday attire and Crew would be napping. Still, this was about the best we could get with all of us.

Beautiful pictures as always. I totally melted at the one of the boys kissing Finn. And I love the mug shots. So fun!