
20 August 2008

Farewell Uncle Todd

Troy's brother Todd is leaving for his mission today. He is headed to the Jamaica Kingston mission.

We are really going to miss him.

Todd and Blake are buds. Todd is always making Blake laugh, and Blake especially likes his uncle's glasses.

Blake will be almost three years old when he sees his uncle again, so the two of them savored their last moments together for a few years.

Todd gave a wonderful farewell talk at church on Sunday, and we took a family picture afterwards. We are all so proud of him and couldn't think of a better reason for him to be leaving us for two years.

Ya mon, have fun in Jamaica land!

Blake couldn't resist the dreads...


  1. Good luck to Todd! He looks just like a mini Troy :)

  2. What are you talking about, me being all fashionable??!! Your outfit in the family pic is so cute! LOVE the Jamacian Blake!!!
