
24 January 2008

A Week with Auntie Stephie

One of my best friends, Stephanie, and her daughter, Skyler, came to visit us this week. Steph was my roommate in college and in some ways it felt just like old times. We spent hours talking (my voice is still hoarse), laughing, playing games, dancing with our babies, going to movies, and attempting to shop with two little ones. I think Troy got a real kick out of our silliness, and often just shook his head and said "Wow."

Back in college, we had stars in our eyes when we thought about pushing our strollers around together someday. The reality was just as sweet as we used to dream about. It was a little easier to get out the door when we weren't trying to balance eating and napping schedules, but we loved every minute of spending time together again. Skyler loved baby Blake and showed her own motherly instincts by covering him up with a blanket when he was sleeping and playing peek-a-boo with him. Our apartment already feels empty without my buddies. I wish Utah and Michigan weren't so far apart!


  1. I miss you guys already! I was fighting back tears at the airport, the whole way to the ticket counter! Thanks for a wonderful week!

  2. I think somehow we need to figure out how to remove all the states between Michigan and Utah. I miss our friends out there so much! I've thought about trying to convince them to meet us in Nebraska ;)

  3. I'm so jealous!!! I wish Kristen and I could have been there with you:(
