We took Blake to his first BYU game on Saturday. It was actually my first BYU game too. Troy and I have just never really gotten into supporting BYU sports. I think it has to do with neither of us spending our Freshman year at BYU, when you become attached to your school's team and get decked out to go to games with groups of fellow freshmen. Now that we are staying in Utah though, we kind of wish we would have gotten into BYU more. It was pretty fun to go to the game and try to mimic the fight song. We don't really foresee becoming Utah Jazz fans anytime soon, so maybe we will have to work on our love for BYU. It's too bad that Utah doesn't have more good sports teams.
Blake was a little angel, as usual. He stayed awake and happy for the first half and then crashed during the second. Other than the lack of sleep, he really has not hampered our lifestyle too much yet! We've taken him to movies, restaurants, and church, and never had a problem! Everyone tells us to enjoy it now. Also, Blake has more BYU paraphernalia than Troy and I combined, thanks to Grandma Tanner.