On the last day of our staycation, which also happened to be the actual day of grandma's 60th birthday, we grabbed our bikes and headed to the San Clemente pier.

Once we reached the end of the boardwalk trail, we stopped on the beach for lunch and swings.

Troy teased Blake about something or other.

Love that male bonding.

We took a little walk under the pier for a different view.

We were fools to think we could send boys to the beach in regular clothes and no one would get wet.

One wave was all it took to drench Nashy.

The most anticipated part of walking to the pier was watching the train go by a few times an hour.

The boys made their own cousin train while waiting for everyone to gather.

We eventually meandered down the pier.

The boys were very interested in all the fishing going on.

One kind fisherman let Blake reel in his catch.

He even convinced Blake to stick his thumb in the fish's mouth for a photo op (helmet hair and all).

All of the grandkids showered the birthday girl with love.

We stopped to watch the surfers on the way back.

Finn adored his dad as usual.

You can't go wrong with bikes, boardwalks and beaches for birthdays.